About Me

Hi, I’m Claire

I’m a lifestyle coach and hypnotherapist located in Beighton in Sheffield.

I’m a Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy®️ & Clinical Hypnotherapy and I run Clarity Coaching, designed to help people get over their blocks, fears, insecurities, overwhelm and gain clarity in their life.

About Me

Hi, I’m Claire

I’m a lifestyle coach and hypnotherapist located in Beighton in Sheffield.

I’m a Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy®️ & Clinical Hypnotherapy and I run Clarity Coaching, designed to help people get over their blocks, fears, insecurities, overwhelm and gain clarity in their life.

I am a fun loving, sun seeking, social butterfly, happily married with two fabulous daughters. Before the girls were born, I worked the 9-5 office life in accountancy, which suited me back then.  After having kids, my priorities and desires changed. I didn’t want to work for someone else building their empire, I wanted my own. I wanted a business which gave me the flexibility to be there for my girls growing up and the freedom to work on my terms (no way could I stick to any company’s holiday terms now!)

In 2011 I became my own boss with a successful skincare business, which is still a huge part of my life today. I look after a team of over 300 people, mainly women, and I had found my passion… helping people. Whether that’s a skincare solution giving my clients the confidence they need to feel better about themselves, teaching people how to gain a bit of me time to benefit their mental health, or supporting team members to fulfil their desire to grow their business to create a better life for themselves, it’s all about helping others. Which is where my passion for coaching came from.

I first came across the world of Neuro Linguistic Programming in 2021 after seeing such a drastic transformation in a friend of mine. I was hooked by the idea of it, how it worked and the positive impact it had on her. So much so, she had become a trainer of it herself. We met for a catch up one day, coincidentally at a time I was feeling a bit “stuck” in what from the outlook seemed like a super successful business. From her experience, she heard straight away in my language that I was getting in my own way, without me even realising!

After softly pointing this out to me, without hesitation and knowing it would enhance my personal development, I enrolled onto the Coach Practitioner Certification training to learn more about myself and my own thinking. It had been 15 years since I’d studied at all. I decided to trust my gut and throw myself into the world of NLP.  This was the awakening of my unconscious mind…my spark for knowledge and learning was reignited.

It was incredible! A few months later, eager to learn more, I decided to take my training to the next level to become a Master Coach Practitioner, closely followed by qualifying as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. I never intended to become a Coach and create a second business, I did it for my own personal development and to aid my skincare business at the time. Which by the way, subsequently grew really quickly, which I am sure is no coincidence!


I learnt all about choice. Knowing that we are in control of our own thoughts 100% of the time, rather than blaming other people, events or even time is SO empowering! I learnt to take charge of my life, how to create my own future, overcome procrastination, how to overcome my limiting beliefs, release and learn from past negative experiences and so much more. This was knowledge I knew I couldn’t keep to myself and Clarity Coaching was born.


Since entering the world of NLP I feel empowered, in control, strong minded and determined to go for any goals I set. And this is what I’d love to share with you as a client at Clarity Coaching and Hypnotherapy. Helping you get over your blocks, fears, insecurities, overwhelm and gain clarity in your life.